abey abs actech agar agnew int. airco (otter) airco (senco) allegion altro ametalin anchormark apex app aqualis ardex ariston assa abloy atlantis austral bailey baines bear bellevue bellevuearch bgc (fibre cement) biowood bitek boral cement bostik bradford bremick buildex bushmans cansand capral carlray cbrhire ccs ceind cement aust. chemtools clark (nextgen) coffs harbour hardwoods confast corinthian crommelins cs csp csr cemintel cw cyclone d&d davco davmar dctech delf diamond diamond way dincel dindas drizoro dta duram ehd emro en-frame entro eurostyle everhard ind. evo fairview fedwood fi firemax flexovit fluidmaster foamex foilboard forestone fortress gainsborough galintel gargoyles & dragons geofabrics gi gorilla gripps handiy haron hb hb fuller heritage herzog highwood hikoki hills hm cowdroy holman hpm hume doors hume timber hurford hydro intrim isc iti iver james hardie johnson suisse jwe keksia keylite kimberley knauf koala laminex lane laserlite legge lemaar lenlok leto lysaght macsim makita masterlock maxi mch metroll milkcan mitek multi nashco nbs ncl new nidus norton one aac one eleven ox paramount partner pacific paslode pb packaging pinus pipe king porta powagroup power powers fasteners premier tapes premier timber prestige proclima promat pryda ramset reefe reln rialtech romak rondo roof extenda rustoleum sabco sandleford seima sheffield sika simpson soudal spantec speed sssmetal stabila stanley stinger stramit sunrise supercraft superstubbie techware tegra timbeck tkb toolhub tpd tradco trio turbo two tease unipier unipro vantage velox versatile concrete versiclad vespol vida walmay wasteland wattyl wbt weepa westmix wilmaplex worldwide wsc yates zanda zenith

assa abloy

The global leader in door opening solutions.

ASSA ABLOY's vision is to be the most innovative supplier of total door opening solutions in order to deliver safe and convenient security solutions that provide real added value to our customers.


ABLOY's unique high-security locking products have been designed to withstand the harshest of environments.

Aperio™ Technology
Aperio™ Technology

Aperio™ is a new technology developed to complement new and existing electronic access control systems.


Interlock is a renowned New Zealand-based brand that provides a wide range of high-quality door and window hardware solutions for both residential and commercial markets.


Lockwood is the leading brand in the Australian locking industry with a well-established reputation for high quality products.


Pyropanel are firestopping specialists, and have an extensive range of fire rated products.


Traka’s products make users accountable for the assets they use, they reduce management risk and improve efficiency in any organisation.


As one of Australia's most trusted brands, Whitco has a proud heritage in protecting Australian homes.


Yale is one of the oldest international brands in the world and probably the best-known name in the locking industry.