abey abs actech agar agnew int. airco (otter) airco (senco) allegion altro ametalin anchormark apex app aqualis ardex ariston assa abloy atlantis austral bailey baines bear bellevue bellevuearch bgc (fibre cement) biowood bitek boral cement bostik bradford bremick buildex bushmans cansand capral carlray cbrhire ccs ceind cement aust. chemtools clark (nextgen) coffs harbour hardwoods confast corinthian crommelins cs csp csr cemintel cw cyclone d&d davco davmar dctech delf diamond diamond way dincel dindas drizoro dta duram ehd emro en-frame entro eurostyle everhard ind. evo fairview fedwood fi firemax flexovit fluidmaster foamex foilboard forestone fortress gainsborough galintel gargoyles & dragons geofabrics gi gorilla gripps handiy haron hb hb fuller heritage herzog highwood hikoki hills hm cowdroy holman hpm hume doors hume timber hurford hydro intrim isc iti iver james hardie johnson suisse jwe keksia keylite kimberley knauf koala laminex lane laserlite legge lemaar lenlok leto lysaght macsim makita masterlock maxi mch metroll milkcan mitek multi nashco nbs ncl new nidus norton one aac one eleven ox paramount partner pacific paslode pb packaging pinus pipe king porta powagroup power powers fasteners premier tapes premier timber prestige proclima promat pryda ramset reefe reln rialtech romak rondo roof extenda rustoleum sabco sandleford seima sheffield sika simpson soudal spantec speed sssmetal stabila stanley stinger stramit sunrise supercraft superstubbie techware tegra timbeck tkb toolhub tpd tradco trio turbo two tease unipier unipro vantage velox versatile concrete versiclad vespol vida walmay wasteland wattyl wbt weepa westmix wilmaplex worldwide wsc yates zanda zenith


Bostik: Adhesive Technologies 

Our business is about much more than sticking things together. For over a century, we have developed smart solutions that touch and improve people’s daily lives.

Bostik adhesives can be found almost everywhere. From cradle to grave, from home to office, from food to transport, our bonding systems are used in countless applications. Our products might be subtle but their impact is profound: contributing to a safer, more flexible, efficient and responsive world. 

A global leader in adhesive technologies 

Bostik is one of the largest adhesive and sealant companies. Worldwide, we employ some 5,000 people in 50 countries across five continents. Our customers come from diverse markets, most notably the industrial manufacturing, construction and consumer sectors. 

Industrial adhesives

Bostik adhesives are used in the manufacture and assembly of products in a wide range of sectors, including construction, transport, packaging, tapes, and lables.

Our industrial activities are extensive and we partner with some of the biggest names in manufacturing.

Construction adhesives

Our smart adhesive systems are used globally in the construction of new buildings and refurbishment projects. You will find Bostik solutions for flooring, tiling, waterproofing, sealing, decoration, assembly and insulation.  

DIY & Trade adhesives

From home improvements to repair and craft activities, we are committed to meeting the everyday needs of consumers and providing products which allow them to achieve professional, high quality results. 

Smart innovation 

Our smart identity is underpinned by innovation.

We pursue innovation vigorously, applying the latest technological advances to developing ‘smart’ adhesives. Our archives are laden with examples of Bostik technologies that have disrupted markets - from potato starch-based wallpaper paste to elastic attachment adhesive for nappies.

Today, our commitment to innovation is as strong as ever. We innovate with our customers through a global R&D network comprising three international Smart Technology Centres and 11 Regional Centres. And we differentiate our business through this investment.