Macsim launched its Aluminium Window Packers to market to meet the ongoing requests and demand for a heavy-duty fire safe product that could be used for installing aluminium windows and door frames.
Originally launched with the main feature of being fire resistant, this has now been upgraded to non-combustible after the aluminium product was tested to AS 1530.1:1994 (R2016) – Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures. Combustibility test for materials.
The packer can be used for very heavy loads with a manufacturer recommended load up to 25 tonnes. Available in 75 millimetre and 90 millimetres lengths in a range of thicknesses from one millimetre through to 10 millimetres, the packers are now available in a larger quantity plastic Q pack or smaller quantity J pack. These window packers are sure to be a necessity and ensure every window or door project is fire safe and compliant, according to Macsim.
Presently a large number of building products are imported from overseas with credentials which often might not meet Australian requirements. According to Macsim, use of non-conforming and non-compliant products can create serious issues at various stages of a construction project. Lack of accountability and compliance can lead to situations where lives could be potentially at risk, with the best solution being to use compliant products.
Macsim recognises the industry’s need for lifting the standards in the pursuit of better building products, materials and practises and continues to work with all parties and stake holders within the building sector to raise the bar.
“In recent times, there has been particular emphasis and much more scrutiny on combustibility and fire hazards for the building materials which can be challenging and pose significant risk to life safety,” a Macsim spokesperson said.
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) defines non-combustibility as follows:
- Applied to a material – not deemed combustible as determined by AS 1530.1 – Combustibility Tests for Materials; and
- Applied to construction or part of a building – constructed wholly of materials that are not deemed to be combustible.
Macsim Aluminium window packers are tested to AS1530.1 and are deemed to be non-combustible. It is to be noted that fire resistant material does not mean that the material is also non-combustible. To Macsim’s best knowledge, the window packers are the only aluminium window packers in the market that are tested to AS1530.1.
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