“SEALTIGHT- is not a surface coating, but a penetrating colourless, inorganic transparent liquid- non-toxic, non-caustic, non-flammable, inorganic scientific formulation.
It permanently waterproofs, insulates, hardens and preserves concrete, plaster, mortar and most natural stone.
The scientific formula causes a reaction that solidifies the component parts of masonry, concrete and cement mortars into a single mass making it waterproof, resistant to acid, oil, fuels, fats and grease. Increases the density of the substrate, increases wear capability, will prevent dusting, brick fretting, cracking.
SEALTIGHT applied to the masonry, concrete, plaster and render will penetrate and by a progressive chemical reaction, which is started at the surface, binds all component parts of the masonry into a more dense or solid mass. As this reaction takes place, all free lime and alkali are neutralized. As the masonry increases in density, it becomes waterproofed, resistant to acid, oil and grease.”
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