Duram WB PRIMER is a water based,concrete compatible,polymer emulsion which enhances the adhesion of Durabit EF,Durabit Reo,Duram Azcoflex range of acrylic membranes as well as the Crystoflex membrane.
WB PRIMER is a penetrative primer with good adhesion properties particularly to porous surfaces.
WB Primer has very low VOCs and meets the 'Green Star' enviromental criteria.
WB PRIMER should be used to prime porous substrates over which a water based membrane or coating will be applied. It is NOT suitable for use on metal,non porous surfaces,shiny or very smooth concrete,glazed tiles,marble,terrazzo,particle board or chip board.
Suitable Surfaces
WB PRIMER is suitable for use on the following substrates:
Cementitious surfaces
Block work
Fibre-cement sheeting
Plaster board
In wet areas and timber surfaces(particularly particle and chip board)the surface must be primed with Duram Primeseal(2 coats).
The information contained in this product data sheet is typical but does not constitute a full specification as conditions and specific requirements may vary from project to project. The instructions should be considered as a minimum requirement but the applicator or contractor must use their skill, knowledge and experience to carry out additional works as may be necessary to meet the requirements of the project. Specification for specific projects should be sought from the Company in writing.
- WB PRIMER is NOT recommended for particle board or chip board. Duram Primeseal is recommended for these surfaces.
- WB PRIMER is NOT a vapour barrier. For exposed areas such as rooks or where there is a risk of entrapped moisture in the surfacewhich can cause the membrane to bubble, Duram Primeseal must be used.
Benefits and Advantages
- Simple to apply.
- Water based. Very low VOCs. Meets the 'Green Star' environmental criteria.
- Concrete compatible.
- Beds down dust.
- Aid the adhesion of water based membranes to the surface.
- Very economical.
- Safe and environmentally friendly to use.
- Single pack.
Precautions in Use
WB PRIMER is user friendly.Nevertheless avoid contact with skin and eyes. If in eyes, flush with clean cold water holding eye lids open to ensure complete flushing. If on skin remove contaminated clothing and wash skin with soap and water. If swallowed DO NOT induce vomitting.Give plenty of water to drink and consult doctor or poison centre if necessary. The use of gloves and eye protection is higly recommended.Detailing Preparation
All porous surfaces must be clean, dry and free of any contaminates prior to the application of WB PRIMER.
WB PRIMER can be applied using a brush,broom,roller or spray. One good coat at the rate of 4 sqm per litre is generally sufficent. However sigificantly porous,friable and dusty surfaces may require the application of a second coat. For best results the subsequent membranes or coatings should be applied to the primed surface as soon after the primer is fully dried and before the surface can become contaminated. Ensure that the primed surface is clean and free from any contaminates.If the primed surface does become contaminated, clean and dry before applying a further coat of WB PRIMER.
The stated average coverage rate may vary depending upon type, condition, porosity, texture of the surface and application technique.
General coverage is approximately 4 sqm per litre but this will depend on the porousity of the surface.Available in 1,4 and 15 Lt containers.
WB PRIMER is milky white, almost clear with a slight wet look when dry.
Drying and Curing
Drying and curing of the product is affected by type, dryness and porosity of the surface, temperature, humidity, ventilation, climate conditions and application technique and therefore drying and curing can only be given as a guide.
Leave to dry for up to 24 hours before application of the waterproofing membrane.
Store on cool dry area with lids securely fastened. Keep out of reach of children.
Clean Up
Clean up will be difficult on porous surfaces but for non porous surfaces wet spills may be cleaned up with an absorbent cloth and then soapy water.
Tiling, Topping or Top Coating
Designed to be compatible with Duram water based membranes. Can be used as an adhesive promoter for toppings and renders.
Safety & Precautions
WB PRIMER is user friendly.Nevertheless avoid contact with skin and eyes. If in eyes, flush with clean cold water holding eye lids open to ensure complete flushing. If on skin remove contaminated clothing and wash skin with soap and water. If swallowed DO NOT induce vomitting.Give plenty of water to drink and consult doctor or poison centre if necessary. The use of gloves and eye protection is higly recommended.
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